Custom Wedding Bands
Create stunning, custom-made wedding rings to compliment your unique engagement ring
Whether you worked with me to fabricate an engagement ring or not, I can help you design a wedding band that perfectly matches your style. By choosing custom, we can create a wedding band that perfectly matches the contour of your engagement ring, or we can create something entirely new and different.
I never charge for your first virtual consultation. Schedule an appointment and see how we can work together to design a beautiful wedding set.

What Does Your Perfect, Custom Wedding Ring Look Like?
We can design a wedding ring that perfectly follows the contour of your engagement ring or design a wedding ring that compliments but doesn’t match your engagement ring.
Accent your wedding ring with diamonds or gemstones that match the ones set in your engagement ring.
I can work in 14K-18K yellow, rose or white gold and platinum to create your wedding ring.
Personalize your wedding ring even more by engraving a date, initials, phrase, etc. on the inside of the ring.
Our Most Recent Custom Wedding Bands